Silver Monkey
Scope of work
- Website
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Silver Monkey
Silver Monkey is a new brand on the Polish market. Its offer includes electronic accessories, like cables, adapters and chargers as well as gaming chairs. It promotes style and quality, building its image upon such values as: modern design, functionality, security and reliability.
Our task was to establish a product website, corresponding to the style of the already functioning main page and displaying the climate and character of the brand..
What we had to do was to develop sections of the website, so that they remained coherent with existing materials: news, contact, subpages for product categories and product sheets.
At the end of the day, we set up the website that matched brand identity and, most of all, met the key need of the Client:
presents the brand and products.
The main offer of Silver Monkey was
opened with 19 premiere products.
To name some of them: cable, keyboards,
mice, GSM accessories, toners and inks.
Owing to the integrated CSM panel,
the Client could easily expand the site
and add extra elements to its offer.
In consequence, we created the spot,
that not only enabled to increase recognition
of the newly launched brand, but also
provided an excellent sales support.
Silver Monkey products are available at x-kom and
silvermonkey.comFill the form and check, how we can help your company.
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