About project

Spożywo is a project created by young, dynamic people with a modern approach. That should be his branding.

Our work began with the creation of a name and logo for the association, then we dealt with the remaining elements of visual identification. On its basis, a website project and materials for social media were to be created.

We based the mechanism of the website on WordPress technology. When designing the graphics, we emphasized the visual attractiveness and maximum transparency of the website.

Logo Spożywo
Spożywo Coupon
Spożywo Headers
Spożywo Website
The informational landing page with the blog has been transformed into an online magazine this year, which thanks to the well-thought-out UX and transparent content attracts 3,000 people per week.
For the Association, we created materials for events, lectures and meetings as well as graphic and online graphics projects promoting Spożywo.
Spożywo Posters

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